As you may know, I help out on the Antipodean SF website, creating the eBook version of the online magazine each month.

Issue 249 has a great range of stories, including:
- A King May Look At A Cat by Lynne Lumsden Green
- Applicants Must Be Able To Cackle by Nikky Lee
- Crash Dummy by Roger Ley
- Giants And The Little Tykes by AE Reiff
- Infinite Monkeys by Aiki Flinthart
- Kitting Up by David Scholes
- She’s Dead by Mark Towse
- Surfing On Neptune by Eugen M. Bacon
- The Forgetful Visitor by Barry Germansky
- The Sin Of Envy by George Nikolopoulos
As well as reading on line, you can also check out the eBooks, which include both .epub and .mobi versions.
While we’re on the AntipodeanSF train, I should say that Issue 250 will be absolutely huge. Forty-five plus speculative stories from the community of authors who have contributed to AntipodeanSF over the years.
There are so many stories that website copy will remain online throughout May, June and July, with normal monthly publication resuming on August 1, 2019 with Issue 251.
Nuke (AntipodeanSF’s editor) is even creating an “on demand” printing option, so you can even get this mammoth edition using dead trees and special, one of a kind ink (*). How can you resist!
(*) Actually normal ink, made special mostly by the magic of the stories it will trace out on the page.