I first published the book in 2012, and did an update in 2014 with a few extra flash fiction pieces. Well, I’ve updated it again to include a couple of extra stories that were published in 2014 and 2015.
I’ve included “Authentic Empathy”, which was my flash fiction story for the 200th edition of Antipodean SF, “Wefting the Warp”, an approximately 4,000 word science fiction short story, and “Showdown”, an approx. 5,000 word fantasy featuring kobolds. It takes the amount of fiction in the book up to about 14,000 words – short enough to read quickly!
As with the last couple of editions, I’ve included an authors note after each story to give a little bit of background.
So, have you ever wonder why aliens don’t visit Earth? Or what coffee a demon likes to drink? Or how bureaucracy could really screw up a grand space adventure? A Flash in the Pan? is a collection of speculative flash fiction and short stories that answers these questions and more.
Available through Smashwords for free, and all the distribution portals that Smashwords connects with.