What is Mark watching?

An archive of reviews I’ve done in the past of TV/movies. I’m not really adding to the content at the moment.

Pretty much all the same criteria apply as the What is Mark reading? page – again, less of the high brow explorations of what it means to be human and more of the spaceships blowing up.


What’s shakin’? – July, August and September 2018

Created October 8, 2018. Last modified October 10, 2018. 0 comments. Top.

What have you been looking at lately?



What’s shakin’? – June 2018

Created July 8, 2018. Last modified July 9, 2018. 0 comments. Top.

So, what have I been up to in June, culture consumed wise?


Monthly roundup culture consumed – February 2016

Created March 6, 2016. Last modified March 4, 2017. 0 comments. Top.

So, what did I do with February?


Monthly roundup culture consumed – January 2016

Created February 7, 2016. Last modified March 4, 2017. 0 comments. Top.

So, what did I do with January?



Monthly roundup – June and July 2015

Created August 9, 2015. Last modified April 17, 2016. 0 comments. Top.

So, my website has been neglected for the last couple of months – work has been a bit crazy and I’m running very behind on a whole lot of extra-curricular stuff.


Monthly roundup – May 2015

Created June 9, 2015. Last modified July 9, 2018. 0 comments. Top.

Work’s been busy during the month of May, so not a lot to report back.


Monthly roundup – April 2015

Created May 7, 2015. Last modified April 17, 2016. 0 comments. Top.

So, what have I been reading this month? I read Glenda Larke’s second book in the The Forsaken Lands series, The Dagger’s Path. I’ll write up a review for the Australian Women’s Writer’s Reading Challenge eventually, so not much more to say.


Monthly roundup – March 2015

Created April 3, 2015. Last modified April 17, 2016. 0 comments. Top.

Welcome to my round up of March 2015. I’m going to focus on being more consistent with these monthly updates, and include a wider range of culture consumed if I’ve got something to say. I’ll also be including brief updates on my writing.


Monthly Roundup – January & February 2015

Created March 8, 2015. Last modified April 17, 2016. 0 comments. Top.

Welcome to the first monthly roundup post for 2015. Can you believe it is March already? The pace of year scares the bejeesus out of me, I don’t mind telling you.


Monthly roundup – November and December 2014

Created January 1, 2015. Last modified April 5, 2015. 3 comments. Top.

Once again I’ve been somewhat lax, both with my summaries and with this website in general. In my (somewhat poor) defence, I have been flat out at work in the lead up to the end of the year. I love the organisation I’m working for at the moment, and my new role gives me the chance to work with some fantastic people. But it is busy. Very, very busy.


Fringe – review

Created February 16, 2013. Last modified February 16, 2013. 0 comments. Top.

Years ago when Fringe started, I watched about 20 minutes of the first episode despite my concerns that Dawson’s Creek was heading to speculative fiction town. There was a plane, people died in mysterious and icky ways and at the 20 minute mark I thought to myself “I can’t commit to another X-Files”. I turned off the TV, rediscovered the lost art of conversation for the evening and felt vaguely relieved that I wasn’t committing myself to yet another television series. Besides, my younger self thought, it probably won’t last more than one season.


The Walking Dead – Seasons 1 and 2 – review

Created September 9, 2012. Last modified January 2, 2013. 2 comments. Top.

One of the newer channels on Foxtel started up a few months back and played the first two seasons of The Walking Dead – a post apocalyptic zombie horror story that K and I decided to watch. It follows the story of a group of survivors of a virus that swept around the world, re-animating dead people as flesh craving “walkers” – very much your traditional zombie.


Outland – review

Last modified January 2, 2013. 0 comments. Top.

Haven – Season 1 – review

Last modified January 2, 2013. 0 comments. Top.

Game of Thrones – Season 1 – review

Last modified January 11, 2013. 0 comments. Top.