You can leave a comment on this page or against any of my specific posts, or email me directly at mark at markwebb dot name. I’ll leave it to you to figure out how to reassemble the last part of the former sentence into my actual email address. Fiendishly difficult, I know.
No social media for me, sorry!
Follow-up Email
Hello again,
I’m sure you’re very busy, but I was wondering if you have any questions that our team can answer.
Where would be the best address to send L. A. Thompson’s book?
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Arley Concaildi
(on behalf of L. A. Thompson)
Hello Mark,
I am reaching out on behalf of award-winning steampunk author L. A. Thompson and our publicity team at Novel Cause. We admire the way you express yourself and inspire authenticity in your audience and would love to send you a free copy of her exciting new novel, Isle of Dragons: The Hidden Library. Would you be interested in reading this and sharing your thoughts?
More info:
Isle of Dragons: The Hidden Library is the eagerly-awaited second book of the Isle of Dragons trilogy. Thompson’s iconic steampunk heroine is back to put the pedal to the metal in this richly imaginative quest to find her missing father… and protect a portal that has the power to change the human and magical realms forever.
The ruthless King Jarrod is on a mission to locate a hidden library on the Isle of Dragons. This library–should his soldiers find it–will finally unlock the gateway between his world and the magical realm. When he sends Jade’s childhood friend, Kaylen, to do his dirty work, Jade is faced with inner and outer battles like never before. I think you’ll enjoy the adventure as well as how relevant and important the themes in this novel are to our target audiences.
Where would be the best address to send this?
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Arley Concaildi
(on behalf of L. A. Thompson)
I've got a debut YA Fantasy releasing at the end of July 2015 with Sparkle Publications. We're working in conjunction with a special needs school and all proceeds are being donated to help the kids. Because its such a great cause, I'm wondering if there's a bit of time to feature or mention the book in july or early aug 2015? Giveaways available.
All Kemla dreams of is an adventure.
When she's kidnapped by slave traders, meets a mage, becomes a bargaining tool and is attacked by bandits, she gets more than she ever wanted.
But will she earn her freedom?
Magic is outlawed, but slave trading is a legitimate profession, which causes some problems for Kemla when she's captured by slave traders and accused of possessing magic. This series is highly recommended for all the Tamora Pierce fans out there. With a strong female protagonist, who manages to get herself into a lot of trouble, and a cute male slave trader who keeps making sure she can't escape.
If you're interested I can send you a paperback copy – as per your website instructions – arc. Just let me know :)
cas [at]
Hello there, Mark.
It seems that we've been included in the Robot and Raygun Issue 2 magazine together. I just wanted to say congratz (I'm also from Sydney, by the way) and I'm very much looking forward to reading your stuff.
Jeremy Szal
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks very much and it's fantastic to be sharing the pages and Robot and Raygun with you. Doubly glad to be sharing space with a fellow Sydney-sider!
Congratulations to you too – hope to read more of your work soon,
Yeah, thanks man.
I trust you know of Galaxy Book Shop? It's opposite the QVB on George Street.
I'm going to ask them to stock/order the anthology for Robot and Raygun, so they can get it in stores when it comes out. Maybe it would be a good idea if you did the same? The more the merrier, eh? They really, really encourage authors coming in and book signings. :)
My recent post Anthology acceptance and other bits and bobs
Sounds like a great idea!
Nice wee yarn over at AntiSf, Mark!
Thanks Jason – much appreciated. More of a thought experiment than anything – why do fictional aliens find Earth so fascinating?
My recent post The Regersek Zone
Hi Mark,
I've been following your blog for a while, and enjoyed what I've read. We have some interesting parallels, we are both in our forties (I'm in my late forties), we both have recently started to try our hand at writing with a bit of success and we both live in the Inner West of Sydney, but that is an aside.
First I was wondering if you knew about Unicon Freecon being held at UTS on the 26-28 of October. Seeing that it's a free Scifi conference not far from where you live, I thought you might be interested. Info and a registration form can be found at, and the is a short story competition.
Second, I think I read that you are looking for a writer's group. There is an open genre writer's group that I attend at the NSW writers centre in Rozelle. It is open to new members if you are interested.
Rick Keuning.
Hi Rick,
Thanks for your comment and for following the blog – much appreciated!
I hadn't heard about the Unicon Freecon – I'll have to see if there are still seats available. Sounds really good. Looks like I've missed the deadline for the short story competition, but it would still be great to attend.
I'll check out the writers group – I'm a member of the NSW Writers' Centre and I've been out to the Rozelle facilities a couple of times. I'd been half considering starting up a speculative fiction group based out there, but if something already exists that sounds better!
I saw you had a publication in Antipodean SF recently – congratulations. Keep up the excellent writing.
ps Rick – unfortunately family issues kept me away from Unicon Freecon. I hope it went well, the writeup on your blog made it sound very interesting.
Congratulations on being published by the excellent Nicole Murphy. It sounds like a fantastic experience.
I hope to make it along to the writing group you've mentioned above. Will be good to meet you face to face.
Hi Mark,
Freecon was a good experience, but it needed more people. It's a shame you could not make it.
I hope you do make it to the writers group.
I read your write up – sounds like a great event. Hopefully next year!
Just quick: I appreciate your comments about "Friendlessness," my story in Asimov's. Hope your anti-social nature stays secret for a while longer.
I really enjoyed the story – thanks for writing in Eric. Look forward to reading more of your work in the future!