I know, I know. This doesn’t bode well for my writing does it? Surprisingly I found this to be a good book, one of the few I read all the way through. I bought the Kindle version (love the Kindle). Recommended.
- On Writing by Stephen King
An excellent resource that I’ve heard a lot of other writers mention in podcasts etc. Part discussion on the craft of writing, part auto-biography it is inspiring reading, especially for speculative fiction authors. Highly recommended.
A directory for writers, containing details of:
- writing markets
- publishers
- agents
- publishing services
- writers’ services (editors, manuscript appraisers, etc)
- industry organisations
- awards, competitions and grants
- courses and events
It is a little academic when you’re just starting out, but worth looking at. It is good to get a feel for what kind of writing services are out there.