Galactic Chat – 2014 season off and running

After a bit of a hiatus over the summer break, the Galactic Chat podcast is off and running again for 2014.

David McDonald kicked off the  year with a fascinating interview with one of my favourite authors, Kaaron Warren. Warren is a stalwart of the Australian horror scene, with some truly disturbing tales. I’ve reviewed a few of her works over the last couple of years, including Through Splintered Walls, Mistification and IshtarIt’s a great listen.

Alex Pierce then moves the year along with an interview with Tehani Wessley. Wessely is the principal of Fablecroft, a small independent press here in Australia. While Galactic Chat tends to focus on authors, I love the interviews with people involved in other aspects of the publishing world. Well worth a listen, especially if you’re keen on understanding the Australian speculative fiction publishing scene.

At the time of writing this post, Wessely’s Pozible project Cranky Ladies of History, is still active here.

To top off this brilliant start to the broadcasting year, Sean, our stalwart leader and driving force behind Galactic Chat, has started  a Facebook competition where you can win copies of Jonathan Strahan’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year. Go to our Facebook page for details.

If you like to keep up with the Australian speculative fiction scene, Galactic Chat is the place to do it. Do your ears a favour and download one of the podcasts.

(You could even vote for it in the Ditmars, but only if you want to :-)


Author: mark

A writer of speculative fiction and all round good egg. Well, mostly good. OK, sometimes good.

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