Zombie flash fiction competition entry – intrigued?


A writing friend, P J Keuning, is new to the field but displayed mad newbie writing skills and had one of his short stories published in the just-released anthology In Fabula-Divino. To support his introduction to published glory, I’ve been following the release activities for the book. One of the authors, Holly Kench, is running a zombie flash fiction competition to celebrate the launch.

I was reading an entry when the following very short story occurred to me.

Edit 5/5/2013

I’ve removed the story temporarily as I’ve submitted it to a flash fiction site. Will put it back up if the story is rejected. Or you can write to me and ask for a copy!

Edit 23/5/2013

My zombie story, Hindsight is a Bitch, has been accepted by Antipodean SF for publication. Look for it in issue 185, due out in November 2013.

Author: mark

A writer of speculative fiction and all round good egg. Well, mostly good. OK, sometimes good.

5 thoughts on “Zombie flash fiction competition entry – intrigued?”

  1. Hah! Too true. I always figure that's why most zombie stories are set in the US. ;) Running and hiding will probably be our only hope in Australia – unless you're really good at swinging an axe! Though my characters in the In Fabula-Divino anthology have some tricks of their own.

    Thanks for entering!
    My recent post Zombie Flash Fiction Competition

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