The Devil Wears Shapeless Ugly Garments Covered in Dog Hair accepted for publication

I think that might have the record for my longest ever post title.

Ion Newcombe, the editor at Antipodean SF, has accepted one of my flash fiction pieces for publication. The Devil Wears Shapeless Ugly Garments Covered In Dog Hair is currently scheduled for issue 171 of Antipodean SF, published in September 2012. I’ll also record a reading for the radio show/podcast, which will be broadcast some time in September.

I know Nuke is always looking for new material for the Antipodean SF website, so if you fancy trying your hand at a short piece of speculative flash fiction you should check out the Antipodean SF submissions page.

Author: mark

A writer of speculative fiction and all round good egg. Well, mostly good. OK, sometimes good.

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